Case Study

Retailer Embraces Innovative Inkjet Web Press

Giant Eagle improved personalization and lowered costs with new printer.

Giant Eagle Advertisement printing

We all know Giant Eagle…this retailer is one of the largest advertisers in the region and is a big believer in direct mail programs that drive customers into its stores.


The chain’s goal is to leverage its sophisticated customer database with highly effective direct mail campaigns to impact store sales. Yet, Giant Eagle wants to be sure that the new breed of digital presses presents its variable data and product images in an attractive, compelling way to its customers.


Giant Eagle has embraced Heeter’s new Ricoh VC60000 Inkjet Web Press, a 4 color high speed variable digital platform to print personalized direct mail pieces in large scale.


Heeter’s innovative inkjet web platform has enabled Giant Eagle to stay within budget while significantly increasing the number of targeted direct mail campaigns with variable coupons impacting store traffic in a meaningful way.

At first we were skeptical that an inkjet web printer could present our product images in an acceptable way. But after seeing the high quality results, Giant Eagle became a fan and we are expanding its use.
Jody Neiswonger

Direct Mail Specialist, Giant Eagle

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