Case Study

Boosting Subscriptions with a Combination of Digital and Print



Southeast Regional EMS provides ambulance and non-emergency transportation services to nine municipalities of Western Pennsylvania. The organization funds a big portion of its operating budget by selling subscriptions for its services to residents of the region. The EMS looked for a simpler solution that would allow it to offer more giving options to its residents as well as to reduce the campaign’s costs.

commercial printed brochure


Traditionally the outreach would be an annual mailing in which the targeted recipients had one way to pay; they mailed back their credit card number which needed to be manually inputted by the EMS’s small team. The process was labor-intensive and inefficient with some credit cards failing.


Southeast Regional EMS partnered with eServices which provides a one-stop shop for custom, secure annual campaigns. eServices offers a digital platform to better manage the customer database, send out print and digital campaigns and securely collect online payments.

EMS companies continue to find that sending direct mail pieces is still highly effective. EMS partnered with Heeter, a full-service provider of secure print, direct mail and fulfillment solutions, for its 2020 campaign.

We had our best outreach in years. eServices and Heeter helped us grow our subscriber base, allowing us to send more mailers which resulted in more subscriptions.
Jonathan Madaras

Assistant Chief

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